7 Of The World’s Ugliest Flowers
Are you here to see some ugly flowers? Here is a list of several species of the most unattractive flowers in the world.
Many would say that all flowering plants are beautiful. However, some species produce less attractive blooms than others. While some are ugly only by their strange shape or colors, other species may even emit a repulsive odor to attract pollinating insects.
Of course, as Plato said: “beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder.” So, what may seem ugly to someone may seem a masterpiece to someone else. Therefore, this list of ugly flowers is only the author’s biased opinion.
Below are some of the plants that produce the ugliest flowers in the world.
1. California Pitcher Plant (Darlingtonia Californica)

Darlingtonia californica is a carnivorous plant native to Northern California and Oregon, US. It is also known under names like the California pitcher plant, cobra lily, or cobra plant.
The plant has a weird look that resembles a rearing cobra, with fangs and tongue. This odd appearance is mostly given by its tubular leaves with the role of trapping small insects inside.
Not only that cobra lily looks bizarre, but also produces some unattractive flowers. These grow singular, hanging down at the top of a long, upright stalk. Green sepals unfold over the purple-reddish petals, which only leave an opening for pollinators toward the peak of the flower.
2. Ophrys Regis-Ferdinandii

Ophrys Regis-Ferdinandii is a small and weird plant in the genus Ophrys, family Orchidaceae. These are also commonly known as Earwig Orchids or King Ferdinand’s Orchids.
This species is quite rare. It can only be found on a few eastern Aegean islands and in several regions of mainland Turkey.
These plants don’t stand out too much through their size as they usually do not reach more than 30 cm in height (12 inches). What makes them unique are their flowers. The blooms do not resemble classic flowers at all but look like some furry earwigs that feed on the plant.
But who doesn’t love earwigs, right?
I thought so. Not many people love these insects. Hence, I think Ophrys Regis-Ferdinandii produces some of the ugliest flowers in the world.
3. Titan Arum (Amorphophallus Titanum)

Amorphophallus titanum is the plant with the largest unbranched inflorescence in the world, native to the equatorial rainforests of Sumatra, Indonesia. It is also commonly known as the titan arum, stinky plant, corpse flower, or corpse plant (due to obvious reasons).
The inflorescence of this plant can reach over 10 ft (3 m) in height and has an unpredictable flowering period, ranging from a few years to more than a decade.
However, this is not her only peculiarity. It consists of a “perfumed” spadix of flowers wrapped by a red spathe, which looks like a large petal. The odor is described by many as resembling rotting meat, hence its popular name “corpse flower.”
While titan arum is overall a remarkable plant, it is frequently included in the lists of the ugliest flowers in the world due to its weird-looking inflorescence that emits a foul odor.
4. Zulu Giant (Stapelia Gigantea)

Stapelia gigantea is a succulent plant native to the desert regions of South Africa to Tanzania. This plant’s other familiar names include Zulu giant, toad plant, and carrion plant.
Although it does not grow very large, Stapelia gigantea remarks itself through the huge flowers compared to its size.
The flowers have a star shape, with five petals. They have a cream to yellow color with various patterns of reddish lines. The surface is wrinkled, has a silky texture, and present long hairs.
But what makes these flowers even more unattractive is that they emit an unpleasant odor to attract pollinating insects. Many compare this smell to that of rotten meat.
5. Black Bat Flower (Tacca Chantrieri)

Tacca chantrieri is a flowering plant native to tropical regions of Southeast Asia. This plant has an alien look and is typically known as the black bat flower.
It produces unusual-looking blooms that somewhat resemble the look of a bat. The flowers can be brown or dark purplish to black in color and have long “whiskers” that can sometimes reach up to 28 inches (70 cm) in length.
I can’t decide if the flower of this plant is ugly or just extremely weird. In any case, it is clear that it does not have the typical appealing look of common flowers.
6. Giant Padma (Rafflesia Arnoldii)

Rafflesia arnoldii is a species of plants native to the rainforests of Sumatra and Borneo. It is commonly known as giant padma.
It is a parasitic plant, and similar to fungi, it needs to attach to a host in order to obtain nutrients and water.
The giant padma has no visible roots, stems, or leaves. The only observable part of it is the fleshy, gigantic flower when it blooms.
This plant is known for producing the largest individual flower in the world. It is not uncommon for it to reach a diameter of around 3.3 feet (1m).
Besides its bizarre look, this flower emits a lousy odor similar to rotting meat. This attracts many types of pollinating insects.
7. Pelican Flower (Aristolochia Grandiflora)

Aristolochia grandiflora is a plant indigenous to the Caribbean and Central America. It is commonly known as the pelican flower or Brazilian Dutchman’s pipe.
Although this plant is frequently used as an ornamental vine, it can also be observed growing naturally in tropical forests near streams and gullies.
The pelican flower produces large, velvety, burgundy-colored flowers with ivory-white veins. (source)
Even if they stand out due to their size and color, these flowers do not have the most charming look. In addition, they emit an unpleasant odor to attract flies and beetles to aid in pollination.
Final Word
I hope you enjoyed our list of some of the ugliest flowers in the world.
As mentioned above, beauty is relative, and what one person thinks is ugly may be the most beautiful thing for someone else.
We do not want to “hurt the feelings of any flower.” Every plant has its unique features and is beautiful in its own way.
We want to specify once again that this list represents only the opinion of the author of this post.
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