Mulch Blowing vs Manual Mulching In Landscaping
Fresh, clean mulch not only enhances the appearance of your property, but it also offers an excellent foundation for healthy, flourishing plants.
The protective layer will guard against temperature variations as well as protect your plants and landscape. Hence, mulching should be one of the to-do list tasks for every gardener and landscaper.
Mulch and Mulch Blowing
Mulch is a material laid on the surface of the ground to shield and improve the soil. It mimics the natural habitat you can find in the forests where the dried branches and leaves blanket the soil surface.
There are two types of mulch:
- Synthetic/inorganic
- Organic
Inorganic mulch can hold moisture and block weeds but do not add any fertility to the soil. This type of mulch is used more in landscaping since it’s more resistant to climatic conditions and doesn’t degrade as fast as the organic mulch.
A few of the most popular synthetic mulches include rubber mulch, rocks, plastic sheeting, gravel, and landscape fabric (similar to plastic sheeting).
Organic mulch will decompose and increase soil organic content but will require replacement over time. This type is usually preferred in gardening since it adds up valuable nutrients to the soil when it decomposes and doesn’t contain chemicals that could contaminate the soil.
However, not all organic mulches should be used in gardening. For a list of the best mulches for vegetable gardens, read this post.
If you are passionate about gardening, you might be familiar already with applying mulch manually. However, when it comes to landscaping, the surfaces to cover are usually way more extensive, thus applying all the mulch by hand would be a very time-consuming task.
That’s the reason why companies that offer mulch blowing services have occurred.
Mulch blowing is the name of the specialized landscaping service in applying mulch on larger surfaces and in a more efficient manner.
As the term “mulch blowing” suggests, this act involves using a special truck that pulverizes the mulch over your requested surfaces using compressed air.
The high-velocity air carries the mulch from the truck through a large diameter hose and enables the operator to direct it effortlessly and evenly on the desired surfaces. Depending on the mulch type someone chooses and other factors, the mulch can be applied in thinner or thicker layers.
Mulching In Landscaping
As mentioned earlier, mulching plays a vital role in gardening and plant care.
In landscaping, besides protecting plants, mulch also has the function of improving the visual aspects of the areas where it is applied or for safekeeping.
Therefore, mulch is applied to flower beds, around trees and shrubs, as edges to flower or garden beds. Mulch is frequently utilized next to driveways and to cover trails and kids’ play areas.
Here are some of the best reasons for using mulch in landscaping :
Better Appearance

One of the primary reasons why many use mulch in landscaping is the contribution to the look of the area.
Mulch comes in various colors, including but not limited to brown, red, black, orange, yellow, green, and blue. Thus, you can choose a mulch that suits both functionality and your landscape appearance preference.
Protects The Plants
Not only the vegetables in your garden can benefit from mulching. The natural decorative plants will enjoy the advantages of a quality mulch just as well.
A layer of mulch will maintain humidity in the soil and coolness, but at the same time, it will reduce the risks of fungus diseases by preventing the fungal pathogens in the earth to reach on the leaves of the plants.
Mulch also prevents the elements of weather such as hot, drying sun or winds from penetrating the soil. Furthermore, it can prevent erosion, freeze damage, and frost heave.
Improves Soil fertility
This benefit only applies to organic mulches. When they decompose, these deliver organic matter into the soil, hence, improving soil structure and fertility.
Synthetic mulch will not bring any benefits to the soil. Even more, some types of inorganic mulches can release dangerous chemicals into the soil when they begin to degrade. The substances in their composition can injure the plants and fauna in the areas where they are applied.
For instance, the rubber mulch is usually made from recycled tires. In the tires producing process, there are utilized numerous chemical substances and components like liquid latex, sulfur, carbon black, acids, additives, and other toxic materials for plants, animals, and humans.
There are also organic mulches that you should avoid if you care about the soil quality, especially the mulches made from recycled materials such as wood from demolition sites, from pallets, or anything that was dyed previously.
Keeps the weeds away
A mulched landscape will have very few weeds. Besides, it keeps the soil loose and hence lessens the need for cultivation. This can save you time and labor.
Mulch Blowing vs Applying Mulch Manually
Here is how mulch blowing service beats manual applications:
Save Time
Probably the most obvious advantage of using a mulch blowing service instead of applying all the mulch manually is the time factor.
Typically, one hard-working person can spread a yard of mulch manually in about one hour. One yard is a child’s play for someone who applies the mulch with a blowing truck.
A mulch blowing team can cover roughly 60 yards or more per hour. That’s clearly an improvement, right?
Save Money
You might assume that using a mulch blowing service is more expensive than hiring a few individuals to apply the landscaping mulch manually.
Well, not quite.
A mulch blowing team is typically composed of only two workers. Hence, to do the same work volume in the same period, you’ll need to hire way more people.
You also need to take care of choosing and buying the right mulch on your own. Plus, you’ll have to pay someone to transport it to your location, and so on. That’s quite some hassle.
In the end, you’ll realize that using a mulch blowing service is effortlessly and cheaper.
Less Effort
If you want to do all the work by yourself, you need to know that applying a large quantity of mulch is not always easy.
Applying mulch manually may involve kneeling, back pain, and good workforce.
Also, depending on how moist the chosen mulch is, it may weigh quite a lot and not be easy to handle.
Better Quality
When you spread the mulch by hand is easy to make mistakes. For instance, you may apply a layer that is too thick or one that is too thin.
A mulch blowing truck will enable the hose operator to spread the mulch fast and uniformly.
Better Access
The area that requires mulching may have hard-to-reach regions. For instance, you may have to face abrupt inclines, unstable grounds, or sections that are difficult to reach.
A mulch blowing truck typically has a long hose, which enables the individual who manipulates it to access even the most inconvenient spots.
Since the mulch is transported from the truck with compressed air through the hose, you don’t have to carry the mulch near the areas where you need to apply it. Therefore, there’s no need to worry about having heavy equipment on your lawn or machinery that can destroy your trees.
Costs Of Mulch Blowing Services
The costs of mulch blowing services vary from one company to another and usually fluctuate based on the chosen mulch type, project size, extra services, and so on.
Some companies may charge an extra fee if the distance from the truck is greater than their standard hose.
Below are just some market average prices.
The cost of mulch typically ranges from $15 to $65 per cubic yard when purchased in bulk. To the price of mulch, you might also need to add delivery costs, which usually range from $15 to $65/cubic yard.
The mulch blowing service will cost you between $35 and $60/cubic yard, which is typically cheaper than the manual-mulching services.
You can see more prices related to mulching on Home Guide.
These are just average prices. Contacting a mulch blowing company will assist you in calculating the exact rates based on your needs and preferences. Also, for larger projects, many firms will accept price negotiation or give you discounts.
Mulch Types For Blowing
The mulch blowing companies can apply different types of mulches. Here are a few of the most popular:
Pine Bark Mulch
If you want a neat but natural look for your landscaped area, you should choose the pine bark mulch.
This organic mulch is made from shredded pine trees, and it is commonly available in shades of light brown, red, and darker brown, depending on the origins of the logs.
Pine bark mulch will give any area a beautiful natural look while also increasing soil fertility after it decomposes.
Cypress Mulch
Cypress mulch is another popular mulch used in landscaping. One of the reasons why cypress mulch is so attractive is because it deteriorates slower than other organic mulches.
One of its disadvantages is the fact that it tends to wash away easier than other mulches. Hence, this makes cypress mulch an inadequate choice in regions where it rains frequently.
Wood Scraps
Wood scrap mulch (also known as “colored mulch”) is made from wood scraps or recycled shredded waste wood.
While it is organic, it may still contain chemical leftovers. Because it is made from various wood scraps, this mulch is usually dyed to obtain a uniform color.
Final Word
Mulching plays an important role in plant care and landscaping.
While it’s easier to apply the mulch manually in your garden, when it comes to landscaping, a mulch blowing service is way more effective.